Tuesday, October 26, 2010


This week is Red Ribbon Week-a week where schools talk about being and staying drug and alcohol free.  Each day the kids get to do something fun or wear something fun-yesterday was crazy socks day, today is crazy hair day.  Sporty wore two different baseball socks pulled up to his knees with shorts (the temps were in the 40's) and Diva wore funky striped tights.  Today, I got to gel, wax, spray, tease, and spray again both of their coifs til my heart was content.  Here is the finished product:
Sporty looks like Pauly D from the Jersey Shore-I don't know what is worse: that he looks like Pauly D or that I know who Pauly D is....I DO NOT watch Jersey Shore.  FILTH

Sporty was not in a very chipper mood and Diva's chipper mood is ruining it all.

I didn't say it was pretty-only CRAZY!


Sherie said...

Ha ha ha! I love that you can totally see Hadley's personality coming out in these pictures and even more that you can tell how bugged Josh is!! Fun pictures! :)

Ty Lyman said...

That's the fun part about being in public school. This was something that I loved too. So fun the different things the kids do....homeschooling, I don't do this. It's so fun to see the difference in their attitudes :) aren't kids fun hehe.

Domestic Goddess and her Hero said...

It doesn't have to be pretty, but very crazy!!! I love that she is totally ruining Sporty's mood and she looks to be completely enjoying it. Oh hilarious! I love love it. Only because i'm kinda like that. enjoy ruining other peoples moods.
He looks like he didn't want to have crazy hair day...party pooper! ;)