Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Good Update

We F-I-N-A-L-L-Y got word back on Trevor's lip.........
It's normal.  PHEW.  Can you see my shoulders stand a little taller?  Can you see the bags under my eyes lighten up just a titch?  Can you sense my blood pressure stabilizing?  However, the Doc does want him to come in for a follow up in one month.  I am beginning to see a pattern with this doctor and it last about a month.  Good news, good news.  sigh

A prayer of thanks goes out to a loving Father in Heaven as well as to family and friends.  THANK YOU.

1 comment:


Yes, Happy to hear the news. Your Uncle Earl has had a chunk taken out of his lip as well as other spots on his face. Lip looks good today. Be sure you have lots of 'sun protection' products on hand. For sure don't forget the ears when putting it on. Easy for me to say, I never use it. Aunt 'R'