Sunday, January 9, 2011 training-we think?

Here is a wee update on Belle-my dog, er baby.  I seriously LOVE this dog.  She has been going to puppy school for 3 weeks now and we can see a difference all ready.  She still has a LONG way to go, but we have totally noticed how she is much calmer now and she stays still for longer periods of time-that is until Callie the psychotic kitten emerges to bug Belle.  HOWEVER, we also have noticed that when other people are around or even the first half hour of puppy school, she is so naughty-she acts like we haven't worked with her at all.  So I thought I would put a clip of her and some of what we have been working on, on the blog-she doesn't cooperate.  These clips are all very short so watch and enjoy as my puppy makes a fool out of me.  LOL!

She really does make me look like a fool...

1 comment:

Ty Lyman said...

that's funny. I always joke about when I call my kids that my dog EB is more obedient than they are. I sure hope when she's done with her training that she will have learned way more than she knows now LOL. The video clips are funny. Thanks for sharing.